519Strong Scholarship Fund
519Strong has teamed up with Bridge Builders Community Foundations to start a scholarship in Jeremy's memory. While the final details of the scholarship are still being ironed out, I thought I would update everyone on the progress we have made so far.
- Applicants will be required to watch Jeremy's video where he describes the trials that faced and how he overcame every obstacle he encountered and maintained a positive attitude. This will keep Jeremy's inspiration alive as it will be watched by hundreds of high school students every year.
- Applicants will then be required to write an essay about the trials that they have had to overcome in their lifetime and how they remained positive, just as Jeremy did. This will ensure that the scholarship is awarded to someone who can relate to Jeremy and his mission in life.
-The essays will be read by the 519Strong scholarship committee which is made up of Jeremy's family and close friends. The 519Strong committee will then select the winner(s) of the scholarship.
-Scholarships will be awarded in the amount of $519.00- Just to add the 519Strong touch!
Official Press Release
Scholarship Fund Honors Franklin Senior Who Lost Battle with Leukemia
Jake Bauer | August 26, 2015
FRANKLIN, Pa. - Devin Gold, 23, established a scholarship fund in the memory of his close friend Jeremy Coast, who passed away in June after a three year battle with Leukemia.
Coast, who recently graduated from Franklin, was only 18. Gold and he became friends through the dirt bike racing circuit. “I was so impressed with his ability to overcome obstacles and his steady positive outlook on life,” says Gold. Coast quickly became not only a friend, but an inspiration to Gold.
“We wanted to create this fund to help young students thrive and chase their dreams. Pursuing your dreams is about not giving up, and Jeremy exemplified that.”
Fundraisers for the scholarship will be announced through a web site honoring Jeremy and his strength. All information will be announced at www.519Strong.comas well as the scholarship and memorial Facebook page at “519 Strong”.
Gold adds, “519 was Jeremy’s racing number, and we thought it was appropriate to make that number a running theme for the scholarship as a way to further tell his story and share his strength. Scholarships will be given out in the amounts of $519 each.”
Any student pursuing post-secondary education in the counties of Venango, Clarion, Forest and Mercer counties can apply for the annual scholarship online atwww.BridegBuildersCommunityFoundations.org for the next funding cycle.
PHOTO L-R: Devin Gold and Jeremy Coast rode together in many dirt bike races. Gold (L) is working with Coast’s family to create a scholarship fund and nonprofit in Coast’s honor, who passed away in June after a three year battle with Leukemia. Coast raced under the number 519. The scholarship fund and nonprofit will be named 519Strong.
Executive director Trenton Moulin says, “Devin, who also fought a cancer diagnosis in high school, is a shining example of what young people can do for our community. It’s our honor to work with him and the family of Jeremy Coast to celebrate Jeremy’s life and his personal strength and influence on those that knew him.”
In addition to the scholarship fund, Gold is working with Bridge Builders to make 519Strong its own nonprofit to benefit other cancer patients and initiatives that reflect Coast’s spirit.
Gold says, “The mission of 519Strong exists to provide support and encouragement to families that have been affected by childhood cancer and other serious illnesses. We’re here because we’ve been there.”
The 519Strong nonprofit will help families locally who are dealing with the same issues as the Coast family did facing a childhood cancer or other serious disease diagnosis, whether that be financially, emotionally or physically, the new nonprofit will serve those in need and raise awareness of childhood cancer.
Coast’s family is very proud to help create the 519Strong fund and nonprofit along Gold as it reflects Coast’s unwavering optimism and encouragement of others around him.
Jeremy’s mother, Dana Coast, adds, ” Jeremy was an amazing son you couldn’t get any better. Growing up, even at a younger age, he always had a positive attitude and brightened the day. There was always laughter when Jeremy was in the room. He could always put a smile on your face.”
PHOTO L-R: Devin Gold, Erin Prager, and Jeremy Coast participated in other Ride for the Cure races. Prager is the founder of Ride for a Cure, and both Gold and Coast fought childhood cancer. Gold (L) is working with Coast’s family to create a scholarship fund and nonprofit in Coast’s honor. Gold recently partnered with Ride for a Cure 3 to host a benefit dirt bike/ATV ride day at Switchback MX in Butler, PA on September 12, 2015.
Jeremy’s father, Clair Coast, agrees, “No matter his pains or worries, he didn’t think of himself- he was always thinking of others. Even when he was in the hospital, he made friends with other patients and spread his laughter and joy. Jeremy never let his two little sisters worry about him. He would always tell them “I have to take care of business. I’ll be home soon.” Jeremy never missed a beat when he would get discharged from the hospital. In fact, Jeremy graduated from Franklin with honors in 2015. And he was always back on his dirt bike as soon as he got permission to ride!”
Gold recently partnered with Ride for a Cure 3 to host a benefit dirt bike/ATV ride day at Switchback MX in Butler, PA on September 12, 2015. Gold says that “this event will be a first fundraiser for 519Strong, and help as a kick starter for the 519Strong nonprofit.”
Contributions can also be made to the Jeremy Coast Memorial Scholarship Fund or 519Strong nonprofit through Bridge Builders Community Foundations in any amount.
Contributions can be mailed to:
Bridge Builders Community Foundations
206 Seneca Street
National Transit Building, Suite 10
Oil City, PA 16301
Please include a memo for the ” Jeremy Coast Memorial Scholarship Fund ” or “519Strong” nonprofit. Contributions may be made in honor of an individual or organization. Donations received are fully tax deductible under applicable federal and state laws.
Inquiries about giving can be made to Trenton Moulin at (814)677-8687.
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- Anyone who would like to make a donation to the scholarship fund may do so at anytime at the link below:
-Be sure to write "Jeremy Coast Scholarship" in the "Purpose" field; as the BBCF handles many scholarship funds and we want to make sure all of our donations make it to the proper account.